one should have to strive for dignity. But, if someone does, do you strive with
them? Back in 1964, they were striving for what most today would consider basic
rights. But, today, people are treated without dignity in the workplace
a coworker is gossiping about someone, do you chime in? Sit silently? Or do you
speak up on behalf of the absent person? Speaking in a disparaging manner is
not treating someone with dignity.
about how you treat people who make mistakes. Do you teach them and rebuild
their confidence, or do you hold a grudge never to trust them again? Holding a
grudge is not treating them with dignity.
are just a few examples that hit home to me today. I wonder if we could all
treat others with a little more dignity and respect.
other thought I had this morning was about Mr. King’s famous street sweeper
“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets
even as a Michaelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare
wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and
earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job
well.’ Be the best of whatever you are.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Sometimes people
get impatient with the pace of their promotions. They want the fancy office and
title because they think their current ones are not impressive enough. I
understand the impact of titles externally; however, they should have nothing
at all to do with one’s self-esteem. Be the best street sweeper, chemist,
technician, waiter, writer, manager, accountant, or data entry person because that is who
you are, not because someone else labeled you as the best. Excellence comes
from within.
As for the pace
of promotions, it is often sped up when consistent excellence combines with a
positive attitude over time. A street sweeper who did well for a few months but
now complains all the time about how messy the job is earns a reputation for
misery, not excellence.
Mr. King said,
“Everybody can be great.” Isn’t that remarkable? Every single person can be
great. Really? You don’t have to be highly educated, wealthy, or famous to be
On days when you
doubt your ability to achieve greatness remember what Mr. King said:
“Life's most
persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' Everybody can be
great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to
serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. Greatness
is determined by service."
Martin Luther
King, Jr.
Greatness is not determined by education,
title, wealth, or fame. It is attainable by everyone who serves others. The
thought can get lost in the midst of our celebrity-centric culture. Charlie
Rose called one of the infamous celebutants “the most frivolous person on the planet.”
Let’s serve others, and admire those who do the same, so we do not earn a
similar moniker.
Three of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s messages remain
relevant today in areas beyond what he was fighting for: Treat others with
dignity, perform excellently, and achieve greatness through service. Seems
simple enough.
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